Site map
Front page
Community blog and recent blog authors at WritersServices.
Credited To
Name or names of anyone this piece should be credited to
- Chris Holifield
- A & C Black Publishers Limited
- Alexander Gordon Smith
- Alison Smith-Squire
- Andrew Barrett
- Andy Edmonson
- Bob Ritchie
- Brian D Osborne
- Bruce Harris
- Carys Llewellyn
- Chas Jones
- Chris Meade
- Colin Murray
- David Armstrong
- Deborah Durbin
- Dominae Primus
- Donna Grisanti
- Eleni Cotton
- Eliza Graham
- Evan Marshall
- Fauzia Burke
- Frances Pinter
- Garth Garston
- Gordon Kerr
- Ian Rankin
- Jae Watson
- Jane Dowary
- Jane Sandwood
- Jeanette Smith
- Jeremy Worman
- Joanne Phillips
- John Jenkins
- Josh Spears
- Julia McCutchen
- Julie Wheelwright
- Kay Gale
- Kevin Morley
- Kylie Grant
- Linda Strachan
- Lisa Clark
- Lorraine Mace and Maureen Vincent-Northam
- Lynda Finn
- Maria Maloney
- Mark Gottlieb
- Marti Norberg
- Mary Garden
- Maureen Kincaid Speller
- Michael Legat
- Michael Solomon
- Morris Rosenthal
- Natasha Mostert
- Neil Bromage
- Nick Webb
- Noel Rooney
- Phyllis McDuff
- Rebecca Hazel
- Richard Hall
- Ros Jay
- Sandeep Kumar Mishra
- Sarah Taylor-Fergusson
- Sarah-Beth Watkins
- Sherri Rifkin
- Suzanne Ruthven
- Suzy Jenvey
- Timothy Hallinan
- Tom Chalmers
- Wendy Walker
- Zoe Jenny
Site Section
Used to identify section in the site
Glossary terms
News Topics
Topics mentioned in News Reviews, Comments etc (nb these are NOT the same as Topics whic are on pages - though we can link between them)
- Academic
- Advances
- Advertising Revenue
- Africa
- Agents
- Amazon
- American Booksellers Association
- And Other Stories
- Apple
- Aria
- Arts Council
- Association of Writers and Writing Programs
- Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award
- Audible
- Audiobooks
- Auhtors United
- Australia
- Authonomy
- Authors
- Authors Guild
- Authors' groups
- Authors' services
- Avon
- Backlist
- Bailey Women's Prize
- Bertelsmann
- Bestseller List
- Bestsellers
- Bestselling
- Bezos
- Big authors
- Big books
- Bloggers
- Blogging
- Bologna Book Fair
- Bologna Children's Book Fair
- Book
- Book Aid International
- Book business
- Book Club
- Book Consumers
- Book Fairs
- Book industry
- Book Market
- Book publishing industry
- Book sales
- Book-buyers
- bookbridgr
- Bookbrunch
- Booker
- BookExpo America
- Books
- Books are my bag
- Bookseller
- Booksellers
- Booksellers’ Conference
- Bookselling
- Bookshops
- Bookstart
- Bookstores
- Booktrack
- Booktrust
- Brand
- Bricks-and-mortar
- British Library
- Browsing
- Censorship
- Chick-lit
- Children's
- Children's authors
- Children's books
- Children's market
- Children's publishing
- Children's reading
- Children's writing
- China
- Classics
- Colin Dexter
- Conglomerate
- Consolidation
- Contracts
- Copy Editing
- Copyright
- Creative writing
- Creative writing courses
- Crime
- Crime writers
- Crime Writers Association
- Crime writing
- Danielle Steel
- Digital
- Digitise book content
- Discoverability
- Downloads
- E L James
- Ebook
- eBooks
- Editing
- Editors
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Encyclopedia
- Ereaders
- Erotica
- Europe
- Fantasy
- Festivals
- Fiction
- Fifty Shades of Grey
- Film options
- Finance
- Folio Prize
- Foyles
- Foyles Book Search
- France
- Frankfurt Book Fair
- Freedom of Speech
- Frontlist
- Futurebook
- Genre
- Genre writing
- Germany
- Getting into Print
- Getting Published
- Ghost-writers
- Ghostwriting
- Globalisation
- Goodreads
- Grey Market
- Hachette
- Hardbacks
- Harlequin Mill and Boon
- Harper Lee
- HarperCollins
- HarperCollins Voyager
- Harry Potter
- Historical
- Historical romance
- Hybrid authors
- IMPAC Award
- Imprints
- Independent publishers
- Indian publishing world
- Indie authors
- Indie publishers
- Inkitt
- Intellectual Property
- International
- International Book Fairs
- International publishing
- Internet
- Internet shopping
- iPad
- IPR License
- J K Rowling
- James Patterson
- Jim Crace
- Judges
- Kate Mosse
- Killer Reads
- Kindle
- Kindle Unlimited
- Lawsuits
- Libraries
- Literacy
- Literary agents
- Literary fiction
- Literary magazine
- Literary novels
- Literature
- London Book Fair
- Longlist
- Malorie Blackman
- Man Booker Prize
- Man Booker Prize for Fiction
- Manuscript
- Margins
- Memoir
- Merger
- Merger. Penguin
- Microsoft
- Middle grade fiction
- Midlist
- Mike Shatzkin
- Milena Busquets
- Mills & Boon
- Myrmidon
- Mystery
- Napster
- National Literacy Trust
- National Poetry Day
- National Writing Day
- Netflix
- New Writing initiative
- Newspapers
- Next Generation Poets 2014
- Nielsen
- Nobel Prize for Literature
- Non-fiction
- Non-readers
- Novel
- Off the Shelf
- Online
- Online communities
- Online retailer
- Online sales
- Open submission
- Orange
- Orange Prize
- Oyster
- P D James
- Pan Macmillan
- Paperbacks
- Parents
- Penguin
- Penguin Random House
- Philip Pullman
- Picture books
- Piracy
- Plagarism
- Plots
- Poems
- Poetry
- Poetry Book Society
- Poetry books
- Poets
- Pottermore
- Print books
- Print Kobo
- Print on Demand
- Prizes
- Production
- Promotion
- Publication
- Published
- Publishers
- Publishers and authors work together to encourage readers to inspire children to read
- Publishers Weekly
- Publishing
- Publishing houses
- Publishing industry
- Publishing world
- Quick Reads
- Quidian
- Random House
- Readers
- Readers United
- Readers.
- Reading
- Reading groups
- Reading tastes
- Rejection
- Reviews
- Richard and Judy
- Romance
- Royalties
- Royalty statements
- Saga organisation
- Save Our Short Story
- Schools
- Science Fiction
- Screenplays
- Scribd
- Scriptwriting
- Search Inside the Book
- Self Publishing
- Self-published titles
- Self-publishers
- Shanghai International Children's Book Fair
- Short stories
- Short story collections
- Shortlist
- Small Presses
- Small Publisher of the Year Award
- Small Publishers
- Social media
- Society of authors
- Spelling
- Spread the Word
- Stieg Larsson
- Stories
- Students
- Submissions
- Subscription service
- Subsidiary rights
- Success stories
- T S Eliot
- T S Eliot Prize
- The Book Depository
- The Crime Vault
- The Long Tail
- the Reader Organisation
- Thrillers
- Titles published
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Traditional publishing
- Translations
- Translations. Translators
- Translators
- Travel
- UK
- UK Booksellers' Association
- Unbound
- Unpublished
- US
- US publishing
- US puplishing
- Used book outlets
- Vloggers
- Waterstones
- website
- Wilbur Smith
- Word of Mouth
- World Book Day
- Writers
- Writers' competitions
- Writing
- Writing a novel in a month
- Writing Opportunities
- YA
- YA authors
- YA books
- Yaktale
- Young adult
- YouTube
- Zoe Sugg
- Zoella Sugg
Reference type
Type of reference - eg Book Fair, Agent etc
- Writers' Organisations
- Agents References
- Publishers References
- Agents' Associations
- Book Charities
- Book Fair References
- Book Groups
- Bursaries & Scholarships
- Children and Young People
- Children's Sites
- Commercial Sites
- Computer Suppliers
- Contributors References
- Editors References
- English Regional Arts Boards
- Imprints References
- Inspiration
- Inspiration (Health)
- Inspiration (Humour)
- Keyboard Skills
- Literary Scouts
- Magazines and Writing Sites
- Officialdom References
- Online Resources
- Picture Libraries
- Play Publishers
- Poetry Sites
- Publishers' and Booksellers' Organisations
- Readers' sites
- Software for writers
- UK Arts Organisations
- Web Resources
- Writers Online Services
- Writers Schools and Resources
- Writers' Blogs
- Writers' Web Resources
- WritersServices Business
- Academic
- Adult Fiction
- Adult General Non-fiction
- Adventure writing
- Anthology
- Any
- Any genre of fiction or type of non-fiction
- Articles
- Arts
- Autobiography
- biographies
- Biography
- Book
- Business Writing
- Children's
- Children's books
- Children's fantasy
- Children's Fiction
- Children's Fiction LGBTQ+
- Children's writing
- children’s
- Children’s Poetry
- Comedy
- Competition
- cookery
- Cookery Writing
- Creative Non-Fiction
- Crime
- Crime fiction
- Crime Novel
- Crime writers
- Directions
- Documentary
- Drama
- Drama Scripts
- Drama series
- Ebooks
- English Prose Fiction
- Erotica
- Essay
- Fantasy
- Festival
- Fiction
- Fiction (all genres)
- Flash Fiction
- Flash Fiction and Poetry
- General Fiction
- General Non-Fiction
- Government Writing
- Graphic
- Graphic novels
- Historical fiction
- History
- Horror
- Ideas
- Illustration
- Instructions
- International
- International writing competitions
- Interviews
- Life Writing
- Literary Fiction
- Local History
- Manuals
- Masterclass
- Memoir
- Middle-Grade fiction
- Mystery
- Narrative Non-Fiction
- Nature writing
- New media
- New Writing
- Non-Fiction
- Novel
- Novelists
- Novellas
- Novels
- photography
- Picture book
- Picture books
- Play Writing
- Plays
- Playwrights
- Poems
- Poetry
- Poetry collections
- Poetry Pamphlets
- Poets
- Politics
- Prose
- Published books
- Queer fiction
- Reportage
- Romance
- Romance Writing
- Science fiction
- Screenwriting
- Scriptwriting
- Self-help
- Short fiction
- Short Stories
- Short Story
- Short story collections
- Short Story writers
- Stories
- Synopsis
- Teen
- Theatre Writing
- Thriller
- Translation
- TV
- Women
- Women's Prizes
- Writers' Prizes
- Writing Competition
- Writing Competitions
- YA
- YA fantasy
- Young Adult
- Young poets
- Young Writers
Topics mentioned - nb these are NOT the same as News Topics though there can be relations between them
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- ABC Checklist
- Accessibility
- Advance information sheets
- Advertising
- Advice
- Agents
- Alternative Medicine
- Amazon
- Audio books
- Author events
- Author solutions
- Authors
- Autobiography
- Bad Sex
- Barcode
- Batch printing
- Bestselling
- Binding processes
- Biography
- Blogs
- Blurbs
- Bob's Journal
- Book
- Book brief
- Book design
- Book fairs
- Book format
- Book marketing
- Book titles
- Book trade
- Book wholesalers
- Bookbub
- Books
- Books for writers
- Booksellers
- Bookselling
- Bulwer-Lytton
- Bursitis
- Business books
- Caine
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Changes in the book trade
- Charity
- Children's age groups
- Children's authors
- Children's books
- Children's writers
- Children's writing
- Christian Books
- Coaching
- Competitions
- Computer screens
- Conscious Writing
- Contact Us
- Contracts
- Copy edit
- Copy edit service
- Copy editing
- Copy editing for self-publishers
- Copy editing service
- Copy-Edit
- Copyright
- Copyright page
- Copywriting for books
- Cost of production
- Cover copy
- Covers
- Creative Writing
- Crime writing
- Design
- Design brief
- Desk
- Diagram Prize
- Digitisation
- eBooks
- Editing
- Editing software
- Editor's advice
- Editor's Report
- Editor's Report Plus
- Editorial services
- Editors
- Education
- End pages
- English Language Editing service
- English language publishing
- English PEN
- ePoetry
- Epub
- Eretailers
- Estimate
- Events
- Excerpt
- Eyes
- eZines
- Factsheets
- Fair use
- Fantasy
- Festivals
- Fiction
- Film scripts
- Flash fiction
- Footers
- Frankfurt Book Fair
- Freelance editors
- Genres
- Getting published
- Glossary
- Goodreads
- Grammar
- Hardback
- Headers
- Health Hazards
- Historical fiction
- Historical novels
- History
- How to
- Ig Nobel Prize
- Imprint
- Index
- Indie authors
- Inside Publishing
- Inspired Creative Writing
- Intellectual property
- International
- Jacket copy
- Journalist
- Keyboards
- Keywords
- Kindle
- Kobo
- Large print
- Libraries
- Lightning Source
- Links
- Literary agents
- Literary magazines
- London Book Fair
- Lumbar support
- Magazines
- Manuscript
- Manuscript polishing
- Manuscript typing
- Marketing
- Masterclass
- Media
- Media Centre
- Memoir
- Metadata
- Middle grade
- Mindset
- Monitor
- Mouse
- MS Word
- My Say
- Natural light
- Non-fiction
- Novel Writing
- Ordering
- Out of print
- Page count
- Paperback
- Paperback cover
- Paranormal
- Parapsychology
- PDFs
- Permission
- PhD
- Photograph
- Picture books
- Plagiarism
- Plays
- Poems
- Poetry
- Poetry collections
- Poets
- Posters
- PR
- Prelim pages
- Press release
- Print format
- Print on demand
- Printing
- Prize
- Prizes
- Professional edit
- Professional editor
- Promotion
- Proof-reading
- Publicity
- Publisher
- Publishers
- Publishing
- Publishing contracts
- Publishing contracts expert
- Publishing world
- Punctuation
- Quotes
- Reader's Report. Editor's Report Plus
- Reference
- Rejection
- Repetitive Strain Injury
- Reports
- Reprints
- Research
- Resources
- Results
- Reviews
- Rewriting
- Rights
- Romance
- Royalties
- Sassy Books
- Science fiction
- Screenplay
- Screenwriting
- Script editing
- Self Publishing
- Self-Publishing
- Self-publishing authors
- Self-publishing routes
- Serialisations
- Service stories
- Sex
- Short fiction
- Short stories
- Shortlist
- Signings
- Skills
- Social media
- Software
- Spellings
- Spine design
- Statistics
- Story
- Style sheet
- Submission
- Submission critique
- Submission package
- Success Stories
- Survey
- Synopsis
- Synopsis-writing
- T S Eliot
- T S Eliot Prize
- Talking to Publishers
- Teleseminar
- Tendonitis
- The Cutting edit
- The cutting editor
- The Editor's View
- Theatre
- Tips for writers
- Title page
- Training
- Translation
- Translation editing
- Translators
- TV scripts
- Typesetting
- Typing
- Typing service
- Vanity publishing
- View from a Publisher's Desk
- Virus
- Visual display
- Visually impaired
- Voice recognition
- Winner
- Women Writers
- Words
- Worldbuilding
- Writer's craft
- Writer's cramp
- Writer's edit
- Writers
- Writers' bookshelf
- Writers' club
- Writers' Conference
- Writers' Groups
- Writers' Magazine Reviews
- Writers' stories
- WritersServices service
- Writing
- Writing categories
- Writing Course
- Writing fantasy
- Writing Opportunity
- Yearbook
- Young adult
- A M Ritter
- Adele Ramet
- Adrian Waring
- Alan Bond
- Albert M. Joseph
- Alexander Gordon Smith
- Alison Baverstock
- Alison Chisholm
- Alison Gibbs
- Allen Frewin Jones
- Allison Brian
- Andre Bernard
- Andrew Bonime
- Andrew Crofts
- Andrew Motion
- Andy Dickinson
- Angela Burt
- Ann De Gale
- Ann Hoffmann
- Ann Rittenberg
- Anne Bernays
- Anne Bowling
- Ansen Dibell
- Anthony Haynes
- Anthony Tedesco
- Anu Garg
- Archie Barnes
- Barry Turner
- Beth Luey
- Betsy Lerner
- Bill Bryson
- Blythe Camenson
- Brandilyn Collins
- Brenda Courtie
- Brendan Hennessy
- Brian H. Taylor
- Carole Blake
- Catherine E Schwarz
- Cathy Birch
- Celia Brayfield
- Charles Jones
- Chas Jones
- Chris Brown
- Chris Curry
- Chris Hamilton-Emery
- Christina Paulson-Ellis
- Christopher Vogler
- Claire Kehrwald Cook
- Colin Campbell
- Colin Mitchell
- Collins
- Crawford Gillan
- Crawford Killian
- Cynthia Jele
- David Bolt
- David Gerrold
- David Michael Kaplan
- David Nicholls
- David R. Yale
- Debra Hart May
- Derek Parker
- Derek Swetnam
- Diana Wimbs
- Dianne Doubtfire
- Dorothea Brande
- Douglas Wynn
- Dr Meyer j van Rensburg
- E L James
- E Marshall
- E. B. White
- Edward Baker
- Elaine Floyd
- Elizabeth Benedict
- Elizabeth Rankin
- Ellen Jaffe
- Eric Milner
- Eugene Krajewski
- Frances Stillman
- Frank Dickson
- Friedrich Ruttner
- Gail Sher
- Giles Clark
- Gordon Kerr
- Gordon Wells
- Graham King
- Gunwant Malik
- Guy N. Smith
- H. R. F. Keating
- Hal Zina Bennett
- Happiers Simbo
- Harold Evans
- Harriett Gilbert
- Heather White
- Helen Shay
- Hilary Lissenden
- Irene Gunther
- J J Dance
- J.M.Bowen
- JA Hulme
- Jack Heffron
- Jack M. Bickham
- James N Frey
- Jane Dorner
- Jane Gordon-Cumming
- Jane Stemp
- Janet Macdonald
- Jason Whittaker
- Jay Ramsay
- Jean Saunders
- Jeff VanderMeer
- Jeremy Butler
- Jill Dick
- Jo Billingham
- Jo Stanley
- Joan Bolker
- Joanne Phillips
- John Braine
- John Byrne
- John E Dews
- John Hartley Williams
- John Killick
- John Paxton Sheriff
- John Ralph
- John Singleton
- John Taylor
- John Vorhaus
- John Whale
- Jonathan Anderson
- Josip Novakovich
- Judith Butcher
- Julia Bell
- Julia Cameron
- Julia Casterton
- Julia McCutchen
- Jurgen Wolff and Kerry Cox
- Karen Bali
- Karen Judd
- Karen Scott
- Kat Harwood
- Kate L Turabian
- Kathy Henderson
- Ken C. Pohlmann
- Kevin Doherty
- Lajos Egri
- Laura Whitcomb
- Laurence J Peter
- Laurie Rozakis Ph.D.
- Lesley Pollinger
- Leslie T. Sharpe
- Lew Hunter
- Lewis Turco
- Liel Leibovitz
- Linora Lawrence
- Lisa Tuttle
- Lloyd J. Jassin
- Louise A. DeSalvo
- Lynne Truss
- Manil Suri
- Marcia Yudkin
- Margaret Clark
- Marina Oliver
- Marion Field
- Mark Beach
- Mark Hempsell
- Martin Manser
- Mary Cavanagh
- Matthew Batham
- Matthew Sweeney
- Meg Flies
- Melvin E. Page
- Merriam-Webster
- Michael Allen
- Michael J Straczynski
- Michael Legat
- Michael Oke
- Michael Ridpath
- Michael Seidman
- Michelle Howry
- Mike Smith
- Mike Ward
- MJ Rose
- Moira Anderson Allen
- Morag Campbell
- Myra Schneider
- Nancy Kress
- Nancy Smith
- Natalie Naimark-Goldberg
- Noah Lukeman
- Norman Toulson
- Norton
- Orson Scott Card
- Oscar Collier
- Pamela Painter
- Patrick Mitchell
- Paul Argentini
- Paul Tedesco
- Penny Ingham
- PH Collin
- R. W. Burchfield
- Race Phil
- Raymond Frensham
- Raymond G Frensham
- Raymond Obstfeld
- Rib Davis
- Richard A. Marius
- Richard F. C'Connor
- Richard F. X. O'Connor
- Richard Joseph
- Rita Gallagher
- Robert A. Day
- Robert Gentle
- Robert Massello
- Robert McKee
- Robert Ritter
- Robert W Bly
- Robin Robertson
- Rona Randall
- Ronald Wolfe
- Ros Jay
- Ruth Swetnam
- Sally Adams
- Sandra Smythe
- Sarah Harrison
- Sheila Costello
- Sir Ernest Gowers
- Skip Press
- Sol Stein
- Stephen Curtis
- Stephen King
- Steve Gooch
- Steven C. Schechter
- Sun Microsystems
- Susie Bright
- Suti Garg
- Syd Field
- Tad Crawford
- TF Carmody
- Thomas DJ Travers
- Thomas J Mitchell
- Thomas Neradin
- Thomas Parrish
- Thomas S. Kane
- TJ Hulme
- Tony C. Caputo
- Trevor Horwood
- Trevor Ralph Lockwood
- Victoria Lynn Schmidt
- Viki King
- Wellington Moyo
- William Germano
- William Goldman
- William Noble
- William Smethurst
- William Strunk Jr.
- William Venator
- William Zinsser
- Wyatt Van Wendels
- Wynford Hicks
Publishers of book or eBook
- A & C Black Publishers Ltd
- Abacus
- ActionPrint Press
- Allison & Busby
- Allworth Press,U.S.
- Alpha Books
- Arkana
- Arrow
- Bantam Doubleday
- Blackstone Audiobooks
- Bloomsbury Paperbacks
- Bloomsbury Publishing
- Cambridge University Press
- Career Press
- Chambers
- Collins
- Delta
- Elsevier Science
- F&W
- Focal Press
- Fourth Estate
- Greenwood Press
- Harper Perennial
- HarperCollins
- HarperReference
- Henry Holt & Company Inc
- Hodder & Stoughton
- Hodder Paperbacks
- How to Books
- ifilm publishing
- Infinite Ideas
- J'ai lu
- John Wiley & Sons
- Kingsfield Publications
- Kogan Page
- Longman
- Macmillan Reference
- McGraw-Hill Companies
- McGraw-Hill Contemporary
- McGraw-Hill Professional
- Merriam-Webster
- Methuen
- Methuen Publishing Ltd
- Microsoft
- Mirrorball Books
- New English Library
- New World Library
- O Books
- O'Connor House
- Orion
- OUP Oxford
- Owl Books
- Oxford Paperbacks
- Oxford University Press
- Pan Macmillan
- Paul S. Eriksson
- Penguin
- Penguin Books Ltd
- Peter Collin Publishing Ltd
- Peter Owen
- Piatkus Books
- Pimlico
- Prentice Hall
- Profile Books
- Quill Press
- Red Audio Professional
- Rider & Co
- Robert Hale Ltd
- Robinson Publishing
- Robson Books Ltd
- Roundhouse Publishing Ltd
- Routledge
- Salt Publishing
- Sandstone Press Ltd
- Scarlet Press
- Shambhala Publications Inc
- Silman-James Press,U.S.
- Simon and Schuster
- Souvenir Press
- Souvenir Press Ltd
- St. Martin's Griffin
- Story Press,U.S.
- Sumach Press
- Summersdale Publishers
- Sun Microsystems
- Symantec
- Tachyon Publications
- Teach Yourself
- Teach Yourself Books
- Thames & Hudson
- The History Press
- Titan
- Titan Books Ltd
- Touchstone
- U.S
- University of Chicago Press
- Vega Books
- Viking
- Walking Stick Press
- Watson-Guptill Publications Inc.,U.S.
- White Ladder Press Ltd
- Women's Press Ltd
- Writer's Digest Books
- Writers' Bookshop
- WritersPrintShop
- Writersservices Self-Publishing
- Writer’s Digest
Books for Writers - subjects
- Writers' Reference
- General Guides
- Writing Guides
- Fiction Writing
- Genre Fiction Writing
- Non-Fiction Writing
- Play and Script-Writing
- Other Types of Writing
- Educational and Academic Writing
- 'Creative' Writing
- Internet and the Writer
- Writers' Bookshop
- Personal Accounts
- Selling your work
- The Business of Publishing
- Software