Talking to Publishers | Series
Our new Talking to Publishers series is a loosely connected series of articles and interviews in which editors and other publishing people share their insights about publishing and tell us what they're looking for.
Talking to Publishers 1 - Suzanne Ruthven of Compass Books - about their books for writers: 'It would be a great mistake to think that writers' how-to books were only written for beginners - there are times when even more experienced writers also need a bit of helpful advice, especially if thinking about changing direction, or exploring a completely different genre...'
Talking to publishers 2 - Suzanne Ruthven of Compass Books interviews her colleague Autumn Barlow, publisher of the new Top Hat historical fiction imprint at John Hunt PublishingExplore the "Our Imprints" section to learn more about our uniquely qualified publishers and their supporting teams. . 'Periodically we are told that the historical novel is dead - and then along comes Hilary Mantel winning the Man Booker for the second time, setting reading fashion on its head again...'
Talking to publishers 3 - Writing for children is one of the most popular - and difficult - markets to break into.
Our Street BooksAn Imprint Of John Hunt Publishing.
For children of all ages, deliver a potent mix of fantastic, rip-roaring adventure and fantasy stories to excite the imagination; spiritual fiction to help the mind and the heart grow; humorous stories to make the funny bone grow; historical tales to evolve interest; and all manner of subjects that stretch imagination, grab attention, inform, inspire and keep the pages turning.
Our subjects include Non-fiction and Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Religious, Spiritual, Historical, Adventure, Social Issues, Humour, Folk Tales and more., an imprint of John Hunt Publishing, offers writers the opportunity to write for and about children in fiction and non-fiction - from tots to teens. Here Maria Moloney offers her advice about getting the proposal right to Suzanne Ruthven.
Talking to publishers 4 - Sassy BooksAn Imprint Of John Hunt Publishing. Hip, real and raw, SASSY books share untamed truths, spiritual insights and entrepreneurial witchcraft with women who want to kick ass in life and start revolutions. is an exciting new imprint for today's new generation of girl-power readers, but how would publisher Lisa Clark define her readership for the benefit of new writers interested in writing for her?
Talking to publishers 5 - History is back in fashion! With TV serialisations of periods like The Tudors and The Borgias, history is stepping out of the realms of dustiness and into the imagination of the general public. We want to capture history for a new generation of readers and have created a new imprint, Chronos Books, to provide great books for history lovers.
Talking to publishers 6 - Changing Direction? Exploring a New Genre?
It's been a very good year for Compass Books with lots of interesting new titles on our list and even more in production. Rather than concentrating on beginners' books, we're constantly on the lookout for titles that offer sound, practical advice for the more experienced writer looking at changing genre, written by authors who are widely published in that particular area.
Talking to publishers 7: Paranormal and Parapsychology. An interview with publisher Barbara Ford-Hammond. 'I am pleased to receive all books that fit the imprint but any that teach something new or in different ways are always pleasing. The whole paranormal and parapsychological genre is so fascinating that I am a bit nervous saying one thing... but there is a lot of interest in anything to do with ‘the afterlife'.'
Talking to publishers 8: Christian AlternativeAn Imprint Of John Hunt Publishing. A space at the edge where the light shines through. Books, for writers at the edge, not writers in the mainstream. Suzanne Ruthven interviews Trevor Greenfieldauthor of Introduction to Radical Theology; Publisher of Christian Alternative; serves on the Management Team of John Hunt Publishing.
Talking to publishers 9: Lodestone Books for Young Adults
Talking to publishers 10: How-to books for experienced writers - by experienced writers- another tranche of detailed and practical books about developing your reading skills.
Talking to publishers 11: encapsulates the freshest thinkers and the most successful practitioners in the areas of marketing, management, economics, finance and accounting, sustainable and ethical business, heart business, people management, leadership, motivation, biographies, business recovery and development and personal/executive development.