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Poetry Collection Editing

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Get your poetry collection edited for self-publishing or submission

Our Poetry Collection Editing Service

  • Are you ready to self-publish your poetry? Have you concluded that, given the scarcity of publishers taking on new work, it's too difficult to find a poetry publisher who will take on your collection? Are you ready to go ahead on your own?
  • Do you want to make sure that your poetry is as good as it can be before you publish?
  • Or would you like to get your work into as good a state as possible before you submit it to publishers? 

We have introduced this unique service by popular demand. It will give you a professional view of your poetry and clear suggestions for any improvements. The editor will copy edit your work, correcting grammatical and spelling errors, and also edit it, providing suggestions for improving the poems and the collection as a whole. We strongly recommend this service for poets who have decided to self-publish their work, as it is particularly difficult to edit your own poetry or to find anyone who can do this well.

Poets who are planning to pursue publication through submission to a publisher will find that having your collection edited before you start submitting it will give it a much better chance of success - although your poetry editor may well still ask for further work!

We can also edit poetry translations, which is effectively a crossover service from our English Language Editing.

What it costs

The fee for the Poetry Collection Editing Service starts at £300 but we will need to see the work first to estimate how many hours of work are required and of course it depends on the length of your collection. You will get two versions of your work returned to you, one showing track changes, which will enable you to see what has been done, and one with the changes accepted. The service will include a short report on the submitted poetry, including a note about any poems which could be omitted to make the collection as a whole stronger.

This fee is payable in advance.

If you have any questions about this service, please email us. Do send your work, and we'll be happy get back to you with a quote.

Please send your poems in one unzipped Word or rtf file, not as separate files.

Poetry Critique service for poems and shorter amounts of poetry.