WritersServices Self-publishing Guide
Help for writers
'Self-publishing has changed so much over the past few years it's hard to believe it was once looked down upon by the publishing industry as the last resort of the vain and desperate. At the time of writing (July 2013) many self-publishing authors are identifying with the term ‘indie author', which acknowledges that to professionally publish today, you don't actually have to do everything yourself!...'
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 1
An explanation of self-publishing as it stands today, introducing the term ‘indie' and a brief overview of routes to market for indie authors.
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 2
Choose Your Self-publishing Route
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 3
EbooksDigital bookstore selling wide range of ebooks in 50 categories from Hildegard of Bingen to How to Write a Dirty Story and showing how the range of ebooks available is growing.: How to Sell on Amazon: An overview of the KDP platform and what it offers to indie authors.
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 4
Formatting your book for Kindle
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 5
Ebooks: Distributing to Other Eretailers
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 6
Cover Design Know-how: Tips from a top designer on how to make your indie cover look professional and stand out from the crowd.
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Print On Demand for Indies
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 8
Ebooks: Pricing Strategies for Indie Authors
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 9
Marketing and Promotion for Indie Authors: Online
WritersServices Self-publishing Guide 10
Marketing and Promotion for Indie Authors: Offline